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You deserve health

Guiding you on your journey to Health and Wellness

About Buxom Bites
Helping you make changes to your eating habits with custom nutrition plans.

I have struggled with my weight since I was a child. I remember how every weekend, I used to look forward to my parents taking my brother and me out to eat at our favorite Asian buffet or order delivery from our local pizza shop. At the tender age of ten, I had no understanding of why eating four or five plates of food at the buffet was horrible for my health.

All I knew was that the food tasted good.

I took these same habits with me into my adult life. But this time, instead of eating solely for taste, I was eating to moderate emotions.

My breaking point came after consuming an exceptionally large meal all in one sitting. I felt sick! The amount of pain was unlike anything I had ever felt before. I went straight to the emergency room. When I met with the doctor, he told me that the stomach pain was likely due to IBS.

I felt lost and didn't know which direction to turn for help. To better understand what I was facing, I began to research anything I could find regarding IBS.

After making small changes in my eating habits, I noticed a significant difference in my digestive health. I had regular bowel movements, ate better, had more energy, and took control of my emotional eating habits.

It was then I knew I wanted to help people who suffer from digestive issues. Through Buxom Bites holistic nutrition programs, I help clients find confidence by having full control over what they put in their bodies. Being a holistic nutritionist is one of the most rewarding aspects of my career.

I’m passionate about this industry because I know what it has done for me, and I want to pass along the same.


Discover holsitic wellness
Whatever your struggle with nutrition and wellness; I've been there, I can help.